Our Vision & Values
Our Vision & Values are the foundation for building a positive learning environment where cultural diversity is welcomed and celebrated. We take pride in modelling our Vision & Values and playing our part in strengthening a positive learning culture.
Our school has 5 values which are Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Manawaroa, Kaitiakitanga and Manawa reka.
The act of showing kindness, respect, generosity, support and care for others. A person’s ‘mana’ is their esteem, prestige, humanity. ‘Aki’ means to encourage and to urge on. Manaakitanga is the process of encouraging, urging on and uplifting the mana of another person.
Relationship, kinship, sense of family connection. A relationship created through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging. It is developing a close, familial friendship or reciprocal relationship.
Stamina, doggedness, grit, staying power, endurance, resilience, fortitude. ‘Manawa’ is the word for heart, the seat of our affections. ‘Roa’ is the Ma-ori word for ‘long’. Manawaroa is to have the strength and resilience to persist at things, even when it is difficult or there are obstacles along the way.
Guardianship and stewardship between people and the natural world. ‘Tiaki’ means to look after, care, protect, conserve. A kaitiaki is a custodian, guardian, caregiver and person who is looking after, protecting and conserving things, places or people. Kaitiakitanga is often used as an expression for caring and being good custodians and stewards of the natural environment for future generations.
Manawa reka
Interest, curiosity, attention, fascination, appeal, attraction. ‘Manawa’ is our heart, the seat of our affections. ‘Reka’ is the Māori word for ‘sweet’. So ‘manawa reka’ is like the heart being curious, wanting to learn and yearning for knowledge about all the ‘sweet’ and fascinating things in our world.