Friends of Willow Park
In order to maintain a close school community Willow Park has an active parent group called the Friends of Willow Park, who assist with school event and organise fund-raising opportunities.
Meetings are held at 6.30pm in the staffroom
Who are the Friends of Willow Park?
Friends of Willow Park (FoWP) is a volunteer parent group here at Willow Park School.
We meet once a term or so, and together with additional volunteers, we build a stronger school community through running fun events and promotions at school to fundraise for our school.
Why do we need to fundraise?
These fundraising efforts help benefit the children’s learning and play directly, they support teachers in their classrooms and help buy essential resources for the school which wouldn’t be possible solely with Ministry funding.
What kind of events and promotions do the Friends of Willow Park run?
We have been involved in various initiatives over the years, and have been very grateful for the support of the school community. Here’s a few things we have been involved in:
Sausage Sizzle - once a term, FoWP helps run the very popular sausage sizzle (which also includes vegetarian sausages). The kids absolutely love seeing their adults helping out!
Gala 2025 - the biggest event of the year, one for the whole family and wider community. Featuring stalls run by the Willow Park students, games, rides, bake sale, tombolo jars, raffles and food.
Calendar Art - fabulous calendars, diaries, sketch pads, cards and mouse pads personalised with YOUR child’s colourful artwork as the cover. Really popular as gifts for friends and whānau.
Readathon - Our big fundraiser with fun activities, challenges and learning initiatives for the kids. Prizes for top fundraisers and classes.
Crazy Hair Disco - The kids love their annual crazy hair disco. Great music, great dance moves and some crazy hair! Pizza, drinks, treats and glowsticks available, and prizes for best crazy hair.
Colour Run - a popular and colourful fundraiser for the young and young-at-heart, with kids and families participating. Sausage sizzle and drinks available.
How much time de we invest?
You can contribute as much or as little time as you can there is no set commitment.
Being a FoWP is flexible, and we appreciate everyone’s contribution - from those who come along to the FoWP meetings and contribute ideas, through to regular volunteers as well as one-off helpers.
We have events/initiatives that run during school hours, but also ones that require help in the afternoons or early evenings.
Everyone has a part to play and we always welcome new friends!
How can you help?
You can give as little or as much time as you have and there are various ways to get involved. Here are some ways that you can help:
Become a friend! Come along to the FoWP meetings
Helping with set ups or pack ups
Helping at a sausage sizzle
Running any other events
Sponsorship or items to auction are also greatly appreciated
Fundraising ideas
When is the next meeting? And how do you know when/what you can help with?
We put the word out across various channels, so please keep an eye out and put your hand up if/when you can help and/or join our next FoWP meeting.
We will usually keep you posted via…
School newsletter
Hero notifications
Friends of Willow Park meetings / Whats App group
And of course, word of mouth!
How can you join Friends of Willow Park?
We would love to see you at our next FoWP meeting (please look out for the scheduled FoWP meetings in the school newsletter/Hero and come along), or drop us an email on fowp@willowpark.school.nz
Friends of Willow Park Meeting Minutes
Next meeting is Term 1 2025 date TBC , 6.30pm - Staffroom