Our Board of Trustees
In order to achieve the school vision the Board of Trustees at Willow Park Primary School take a collaborative approach. We are committed to providing students with quality teaching in an innovative and well resourced classroom environment.
We believe the school has an important role to play in the community and the Board Members (who are all parents, locals or staff of the school) are continuously seeking ways of bringing the school and the community closer together. Linking and connecting in with the wider community is important to us. Your ideas and suggestions are important to us and if you need to contact the Board you can do this through the Board Chairperson, Emma Batey at bot@willowpark.school.nz.
The Board of Trustees is elected by the school community and focuses on enhancing student achievement. In partnership with the leadership team, the Board ensures that the values of the school community are reflected in the way our school operates. The Board has a governance role and regularly reviews policies to maintain compliance with legal and Ministry of Education requirements. It does not involve itself in the administrative details of the day-to-day running of the school. In addition to the Board of Trustee members governing the school they bring a diverse mix of technical skills and life experience to the governing table. The Board meets monthly and the focus is always on the current children and their learning as well as the strategic direction of the school. Board meetings are generally held at 6.00pm on Thursday evenings in the school boardroom. Dates are advertised in the newsletter or can be found below. Parents and members of the community are welcome to attend.
To view or review any of the schools policies you can visit the School Docs website: https://www.schooldocs.co.nz/Home/SchoolLogin
Username: willowpark Password: compton
The Board can be contacted via the Chairperson on bot@willowpark.school.nz or through the school office.
The members of the Board of Trustees
Emma Batey Presiding Member
Gina Cook Parent Trustee
Matthew Fyffe Parent Trustee
Jeremy Boyce Parent Trustee
Chantelle Urquhart Parent Trustee
Lin Zhuo Parent Trustee
Carrie Joyner Staff Trustee
Duncan Millward Principal
Board Meeting Dates 2025
Meetings begin at 6.00pm on Mondays in the Board Room at the main office. Meetings are advertised in the school newsletter. Dates are as follows. Parents and members of the community are welcome to attend.
24 March 19 May 23 June 21 July 25 August 20 October 24 November 8 December
No meetings in April or September
Strategic Planning