Whānau Connect

Keeping parents and whānau informed of their child’s progress is important to us.

Online Reports

Our school app, Hero has been designed for online, real-time reporting meaning that parents can view their child's progress via the Hero app or a web browser. In 2023, we introduced this new reporting system, and so for existing parents the same process to access them will occur. For those new to Willow Park, or who need a refresher, we have included some information below:

We recommend that you download the Hero app as this is our communication tool as a school. To download the Hero app, please click on the picture below.

If you have any problems, please come into the school office and we can help, or email Fran Bowerman at fran.b@willowpark.school.nz . The app can also be accessed through a tablet or laptop through their online portal. 

End of year Reports

Reports are opened online via the Hero platform. This is a written summary of a child’s academic achievement for the end of the school year. Teachers set goals, share achievement and write a general comment about your child. There is also a student reflection comment. This is following on from the mid-year report and wh`anau connect meeting in Term 3. Included in the report will be:

  • Academic information for Reading, Writing and Maths, our core curriculum areas. This information will consist of a DIAL showing the learning that students have achieved and are currently working on. These dials are based on the National Curriculum levels from the New Zealand curriculum.  There will also be a GRAPH to show the progress your child is making in these areas.

  • Under each subject area there will be up to 3 goals that children are working on. This information will form part of the Whānau Connect meeting that you will have on Tuesday or Wednesday.

  • There will also be a General Comment that has been written by the class teacher. A General Comment provides an overview, or a snapshot of your child from the class teacher’s time with your child.  These details will also be shared in the conference.  

    The General Comment will focus on what is most relevant to your child as a learner and as a person.  The following may be part of the General Comment:

    • Where your child really excels or has a strength, interest or passion. 

    • Information about Key Competencies and Values

    • Inquiry

    • Information about how your child interacts with others, and levels of resilience and flexibility

  • There will be a student reflection that is an opportunity for your child to share something that they are proud of from their school year. This will be accompanied with a photo.

  • The final piece of information shared on the report is your child’s attendance this year. This is shown as a pie chart showing the percentage of time present at school. Information on attendance can be found: HERE.

Printing of Reports

Parents are able to print a copy of the mid-year and end of year report when these are open. To print, please follow the instructions: Download the report as a PDF, then print it from there. Reports can be printed from your HERO app if you have an Android phone. If you have an Apple phone you need to print them through a browser and not the HERO app as Apple doesn’t support printing.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Our aim is for students to be ignited in their thirst for knowledge and skills, inspiring them to be lifelong learners, with opportunities to inquire collaboratively with their peers. 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.