General Information
We recommend you view this section so you are aware of any recent developments or Information about our school. When applicable other non-development information is also recorded here.
General Information
For a variety of general information for parents to read please download this information sheet below.
School Office hours are 8.30am - 3.15pm. The school day starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3.00pm.
2025 School Office holiday hours start of the year.
The office will open on ;
Thursday - 30 January 2025 - 9am - midday then 1 pm - 3pm
Friday - 31 January 2025 -9am - midday.
2025 Staff only days are:
Term 1 - Friday 21 March
Term 2 - Friday 30 May
Term 1 - 2025
Monday 3 February to Friday 11 April
School will be closed for Waitangi day Thursday 6 February
School will be closed for Staff only day Friday 21 March
Easter and ANZAC public holidays are during the school holidays.
Term 2 - 2025
Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June
School will be closed for Staff only day Friday 30 May
School will be closed for King’s birthday Monday 2 June
School will be closed for Matariki Friday 20 June
Term 3 - 2025
Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September
Term 4 - 2025
Monday 6 October to Tuesday 16 December.
School will be closed for Labour Day Monday 27 October
Donations / Stationery Lists 2025
Schools do have to rely on Parent donations to help fund the operation of the school. Donations are listed on our payments page but are also listed on the stationery lists.
Please see below a letter from our Board of Trustees explaining how it works.
2025 School donation amounts
Please refer to the Payments tab
School donation information letter
Stationery Lists for the year.
Lists cover stationery for the full year. Please have this purchased in time for the first day of the term, 3 February 2025.
You may shop online (see link below) for stationery if you wish, otherwise feel free to go to a stationery shop.
Some stationery is available to purchase from the school office ideally for part year stationery lists or items that need topping up thorugh the year. We don’t sell stationery packs of full lists of stationery at the start of the year.
We do get benefits from the companies that we use for online shopping.
You do not have to buy everything if you have some of the items at home, feel free to use them but please do provide the number of items required.
Please have all the stationery items ready for your child’s first day of school.
Online shopping link:
Stationery Year 1/New Entrants
Stationery Year 2
Stationery Year 3
Stationery Year 4
Stationery Year 5
Stationery Year 6
For part year stationery lists later in the year, please contact the office on office@willowpark.school.nz.
Contacting teachers
This is best done via email. All teacher emails are listed under the staff tab.
School Lunches
We have 3 options available for children to order lunches.
Ezlunch brings you a great variety of fresh food with the convenience of ordering online or by Text. Join ezlunch to place an order, go to the home page to "Payments Online" register as a New User.
Subway is available Friday only. This is done through Ezlunch via your KINDO account
Sushi Orders
We welcomed Sushiday to our school in 2022. The fresh sushi from our new provider is proving very popular.
See the information brochure below.Children are able to purchase sushi for lunch on Fridays. Order directly with our new supplier Sushiday
Click here to order. www.sushiday.co.nz
School Pool
The school pool is now in use.
Our school pool is used during Term 1 and Term 4 for water safety lessons from New Entrants to Year 6.
The pool is also open for Willow Park School whānau to use through a pool key system. Keys can be bought from the office during the pool opening time from mid term 4 to the end of term 1.the following year The cost for a season is usually $100 per key but check with the office to confirm this
This is a great opportunity for families to use the facilities after school, at the weekends and during the long summer break.
Outside school hours, pool access is restricted to key holders only.
Swimming Hours:
3.00 pm – 7 pm School Term
11 am – 7 pm Holiday time / weekends
Last day for swimming is Sunday April 2nd 2023
Please return keys to the school office by Thursday 6th April 2023
Complaints Process
From time to time, parents may have a concern over their child’s education or something that is happening at the school. To ensure that these matters are dealt with effectively, we have a set of procedures for people to follow if they wish to bring these matters to our attention. In the first instance, it makes sense to discuss the issue with your child’s teacher as they are most likely to know and understand the circumstances that contribute to it. Sometimes for example, the child may be telling you about things that have not been brought to the attention of the teacher. If the matter is more serious or if parents feel they wish to take the matter further, they may wish to bring it to the attention of the Team Leader, Deputy Principal or Principal.
The Board of Trustees are only likely to deal directly with issues that are particularly serious or if parents have first gone through the steps outlined above. In these cases, the matter will need to be put in writing and delivered to the school office so that it can be passed onto the Board Chairperson. The issue is then likely to be dealt with at the next Board meeting and suitable action taken. A response from the Board will always be provided to the person who raised the issue.
In summary then, the procedure is:
Discuss the issue with your child’s teacher
Discuss the issue with your child’s Team Leader
Request an appointment with the Deputy Principal or the Principal
Or if the matter is very serious and has already been raised with the Deputy Principal or Principal, parents can make a written submission to the Board of Trustees