Our Enrolments
Are you interested in sending your child to Willow Park School? Find out if you are in the zone. As with most primary schools in New Zealand, the eligibility of prospective pupils is largely determined by where they live.
Please note:
There are no out of zone places available for 2025.
Enrolment Zones
Below is the enrolment zone for Willow Park.
All streets bounded by Glenfield Rd, Pupuke Rd, Ocean View Rd, Hillcrest Ave and Coronation Rd.
Three boundary streets, both sides are included with the following restrictions.
Cnr Hillcrest Ave/Ocean View Rd - #10 Ocean View Rd and upwards.
Cnr Glenfield/Coronation Rd - up to #267 and #156 (reverse side) of Glenfield Rd.
Cnr Hillcrest Ave/Coronation Rd - up to and including #149 and #166 Coronation Rd.
All of Lydia Ave, Raymond Tce, Havenwood Place, Tui Glen Rd, City View Tce, Felstead St, Lenihan St and Liston St.
Out of Zone enrolment form
There are no out of zone places for 2025 available.
Spaces for 2026 will be advertised here around September/October 2025.
Please ensure you have read information under the out of zone enrolment tab.
Out of Zone enrolment form for 2024 only
Enrolments for in zone older students
In New Zealand children start school at 5 years old. If your child is 5 years or over, or has already started at school either in NZ or overseas please contact the office directly by email on office@willowpark.school.nz with the following details, or come in to the office.
Childs name
Childs date of birth
Child’s address
When you are wanting to start your child at school
Scroll down to see what supporting documents need to be provided for enrolment.
This can be either brought into the office or emailed in.
Pre-enrolment for in zone pre-schoolers
Our pre-enrolment list is very useful and gives us an insight into the future and helps us predict the number of children expected to attend our school. You must be living in our school zone to attend our school. We suggest enrolling your preschooler at around the age of 4years.
For pre-enrolment of a preschool child (under 5years)
Fill in the form: HERE
If you prefer you may email the office on office@willowpark.school.nz with the following information.
- Child's full name
- Child's date of birth
- The address where they live
- Either Mother or Fathers name and a contact cell number
- Best contact email for either Mother or Father
- Name of the kindergarten/daycare the child attends.
You may also phone (480 9236) or come in to the office between 8.30am and 3.15pm.
New Entrant children will get 2 pre-school visits. Visits are held twice a term, so you will visit in either Week 3&4 or Week 7&8 , on a Wednesday (from Term 2), from 9.15am to 10.30am. Information will be emailed to you about the visit dates closer to your child’s birthday. New Entrant children can start school on the first Monday following their 5th birthday, or the first school day if there is a public holiday. If their birthday is on a Monday they may start that day. Confirm at enrolment
New Entrant Parent Information Evenings
These sessions are for parents of children who are pre-enrolled to attend Willow Park School. They cover information about the programme used in our New Entrant classes, which 5 year old children enter when they first start at our school. They start at 7.00 pm for around an hour, and are held in the staffroom, just past the office.
Pre-School Parent information evening dates for 2025
Term 1 - 5 March Term 2 - 28 May Term 3 - 13 August Term 4 - 5 November
To register, go to Click here Make a booking and enter the event code: 62gn7
All sessions have the same content so you only need to attend one.
Supporting documents for enrolment for all students.
You must live within the school zone to attend the school.
The paperwork listed below is required before your child can start school. . Please either bring it into the office or email it to us, office@willowpark.school.nz
Two Recent Proof of Address: Two different forms of recent proof of address are required showing parent/s names that match birth certificates or passports as below. Utility bills, phone or power, tenancy agreements, credit card bills, insurance letters, water rates are some examples. Land Rates Bills are not accepted. If you receive bills by email feel free to forward them to office@willowpark.school.nz
Your child's birth certificate and passport as below; Original documents preferred.
NZ Citizen : - NZ Birth Certificate / Passport (Parents NZ D/Licence or passport if no birth certificate)
NZ Residents:- Child and parents passports and residency visa’s/ Child's birth certificate
Non NZ' citizens or residents :- Child's and parents passports and appropriate student and work visa's / Child's birth certificate
If your child has previously attended school either in NZ or overseas please provide the most recent school report they have, in English.
Immunisation certificate if immunised.